CMCS Family Services

All families want the best for their children.  Some families face additional challenges.   This may be due to stress, social isolation or financial problems amongst other things.  Family members become overwhelmed, and need extra support to help them fulfill their potential.  

At CMCS Family Services, our aim is to increase the strength and resilience of families, help them to make connections in the community they reside in and belong to, and to do it in a way that is respectful of their culture and choices.  We want children to feel safe, secure and attached to their families. 

We have two projects that work specifically with families in the area:  FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICE and CONNECT AND GROW PROJECT.


Family Support Service

Assists families who are struggling with a range of issues.  It may be improving parenting skills, dealing with children's behaviour, managing stress, dealing with schools, overcoming social isolation or building better boundaries.   We may also assist by advocating on their behalf and making referrals to Centrelink, Housing Providers, and Health Services etc.

Family Support provides a free, confidential, time limited service.  

We visit families in their homes, and see them in our office.  Our service is open to families with children in their care between the ages of 0 - 12 who live in our local area.

We accept both self referrals, or referrals from another service on the family's behalf.  

So if you or someone you know is facing challenges or stress related to family issues, give us a ring.  If we cannot help you, we will refer you to someone who can.

TO MAKE A FAMILY SUPPORT REFERRAL, RING SERA ON 9637-7600.  We do not accept referrals via email at this time.    

For more information on Family Support, email


Connect and Grow

Connect & Grow is a new project that targets culturally and linguistically diverse families with children aged 0-12 who have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Autism
  • Language Delay
  • Psychosocial or Intellectual Disabilities

We aim to help these families connect to services in the community and to build their confidence and skills in using these services to get the best outcomes for their child/ren.   We will assist them to exercise their rights, working towards empowerment and independence.  All Connect & Grow services are free and confidential.  

Families meet in groups regularly across Cumberland and Fairfield LGAs, and may receive individual casework where required.  

If you would like to find out more about this project,  please call SERA on 9637-7600 or email 

TO MAKE A CONNECT & GROW REFERRAL, either for yourself, or on behalf of someone else,  RING SERA ON 9637-7600.  We do not accept referrals via email at this time.    

For more information on Connect & Grow, email